Captain's Corner
Club Report

Good afternoon golfers
A couple of matters and then the report.
First, you will have noticed that the Bridge on the 12th hole has failed and will need to be replaced.  In the meantime there is only one crossing on the left.  Please be careful using this path as it is a bit rough and uneven and the last thing we want to happen is for anyone to get hurt.  I have spoken to TK about the bridge and he is keen to get it replaced as soon as possible.  I will let you know when this has been done.
Secondly, TK had intended to close the front and back nine for some renovation work but the spraying has seen the greens that were causing trouble come back well and the work he was going to do is not now needed.  However, a few of the greens need a bit more sand and he intends to get this work done this week.  Volunteers, please keep an eye out for a call to action once more.
Thirdly, as we are rapidly approaching winter there will be days when the course will need to be closed because of frost.  These closures are temporary only and are done to stop the course playing surfaces from being damaged by foot traffic.  Your patience is appreciated in these situations.
Now to the news.
1. "Futures" and Stephen Wood
Clayton Willocks reports that another great day was had at the Karori Golf Club on Sunday with Stephen Wood taking the group for some coaching.  Afterwards there was some pretty good scoring on the course.
Stephen Wood was impressed by the talent on display and left a number of personal specific coaching videos for the youngsters. 
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Stephen Woods and his group coaching prior to the Futures hitting the course.
At the conclusion of the day the "futures" group were joined by the YouTube sensation "Bunker Boys" which was kind of special for them.
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How cool is this.  Meeting up with the "Bunker Boys" at the conclusion of the day. 
2. Playing together as a Club
For whatever historical reason we do not play a lot together as a club. 
When we do it is always a great occasion and we get to know each other better.
Recently I quizzed a few folk about the decline in the Gaskies time slot and I got some very useful information.
The idea of the group is to be available to all comers, regardless of age or gender.  This is particularly true for new members.  It can be quite daunting being a new member and wondering how to get involved and frankly as a club we are not too good at making this easy.
A regular Club Day where we all come together and join in is the best way to welcome people to the club.  A genuine disc draw where no one knows who they will be teamed with ensures that everyone over time, will get to know everyone else (more or less).
I am looking at the calendar for disc draw opportunities and there are a couple which come to mind. 
First our monthly medal day (also the womens LGU events) is a good opportunity to get everyone together.  I would suggest that as we have players who need to be home early for family or other reasons that we could organise this in two tee times; one at eight o'clock (ish) and the other at say ten thirty (ish).  Depending on numbers we could us multiple tees (1,5,8) thereby not clashing with the two fields.
The second, and one I intend to use immediately will be the Bertram Cup Qualifier where the teams who enter will be placed in a draw for the day.  I will run the tee times from 8.30am and I will (if the field warrants it) use a multi tee start.
This will be on Sunday 9 June.
While I am publicising this, the Bertram Cup Qualifier is a four ball better ball nett event followed by four rounds of knockout match play over consecutive weeks. 
For those who are unfamiliar with what a better ball nett event is, you play in pairs (your own choice of partner) and you count the player who has the better score hole by hole (gross less handicap) to determine your team score at the end of eighteen holes.
The top sixteen teams will qualify for the match play.
We already have teams entering and you may do so by entering on the website, or alternatively you can contact me at my home email (
The competition is open to all members with an official eighteen hole handicap.  We have an all woman team already entered.
So grab a partner and enter this event.  Aside from the club championships this is the pre eminent trophy event for the club each year.
Finally on this point, I wish to make it clear that all club events are open to the women too.  The tee options available to all members means that everyone may enter an event and compete as handicaps mean we all play as equals.  Golf is the only sport which can make this claim.  So women are always welcome.
Denise Marten and I are also looking at dates for mixed foursomes.  The Templar Cup was very popular and we are hopeful to play together more often throughout the year.  An announcement will be made soon on another event in due course.
3. WGI Inter Club Results/Tin Cup
After much angst on the last day of WGI Inter Club for 2024 our four inter club teams all finished fifth in their divisions.  We are nothing if not consistent.
The good news, except for the Hillbillies (Division 12 - there is no relegation) all other teams were in danger of relegation and all teams did just enough to remain in their divisions for another season (Division 2 by the merest of margins - 1 point).
So the teams dutifully met at Karori Golf Club on Saturday 25 May to find out the top team for 2024. 
The event was competed on match play on handicap amongst the teams where all teams, with the exception of Division 9, had a full team of players.
For the third season in a row DIvision 2 won the day with 14 points, from Division 5 on 13.5, Division 9 on 12 and, Division 12 on 11.5.
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Division 2 wins again...
Each Division had a player of the Season and these were contrasted to determine the player of the season across all teams for 2024, the best player winning the Dunslav Tin Cup.  The winner for 2024 was Keith Atkinson from Trevor Brown, Neil Hoskin and Kevin Norquay.
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Player of the season for 2024 - Keith Atkinson
The teams thank Terry McAlister who marshaled the course on inter club day for all ten rounds, the green staff for presenting the course in great condition for each match, and the staff for ensuring that teams were fed and "watered" and our visitors looked after.
I particularly want to thank the team captains for their efforts in keeping the administration work needed to field a team up to date at all times. Thank-you Russell, Mike and Kevin.
Next year we will be looking to consolidate our standing in our divisions (maybe even winning) as we work towards our goal of getting a team into the WGI top competition.  There's a way to go yet, but with all the good stuff happening around the club, anything is possible.
Please note, our Women's Nine Hole team still have another round to go, and a field day before their efforts for 2024 are completed. 
4. Oteranga Trophy
Twenty one teams entered this event and the result could not have been closer.
The winners on minus 3 were Luke Meehan and Troy Wilson, on countback from Gail Kirkland and Brigitte Boenisch-Brednich, on countback from Peter Howman and Lee Moresi.
Obviously none of the teams finished in positive territory which just goes to show how difficult an aggregate competition can be as both players need to score well.
Hearty congratulations to Luke and Troy.  New faces in the winners circle.
5. May Monthly Medal
The winner of the May Monthly Medal is James Nimmo on nett 67 on countback from Oliver Sharp also on 67.
Also worthy of mention are William McNaughtan (68), Tane Cassidy (69), James McCartney (69) and Scott McHardy (69).
Hot scoring guys.
6. Stephen Wood - Professional Golfer
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These are pretty good rates for coaching.
If your game needs a tweak, contact Stephen and take advantage of his expertise.  Pretty good rates for members too.
That's all for this week.
I'll report back next week on more goings on.
Enjoy your golfing week, get some coaching if you wish, and get your entries in to the Bertram Cup.  Let's make a bumper day on the 9th of May.
Mark Peck
Club Captain.


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