Captain's Corner
Club Report
Good afternoon golfers
You will all have seen the announcement from the President on the current state of the club's finances and the need to make reorganisation.
As you will have seen the club will be staffed with a reduced roster augmented by volunteer help. 
Ask yourself if there is anything you can do to assist the club.  Obviously we have needs across the course and the club house.
For me the challenge is to see to it that we continue to provide a level of service to our members and visitors that we do now.  I would hate to see the operating hours of the club reduce as that would only encourage the "freeloaders" to help themselves at a time when we need every dollar.
I have already been in touch with TK and the team and obviously the volunteer help he requires will need to be provided to keep the course in the great condition in which it is in right now.
It goes without saying that the club needs more revenue.  The best way to achieve this is to increase our membership.  The Junior program is already having an effect and as the weather improves over the spring and summer should pay a good dividend.
All members can help here.  Encourage a friend or a colleague to join up.  We have some really attractive rates for new members (and golfers seeking to move between clubs) so we should be doing more about this.  Every new member introduced by a club member earns that club member a two month extension on their membership as a thank you.  Give it a go.  Every little bit helps.
We also have very attractive youth/young person rates up to the age of 32.  Check these out on the website.
One other thing I am going to do to help is to pay my membership fee early.  While this may have an effect in the out months a cash injection now would not go amiss.
From experience I know that we will get through this.  In the process of doing so the committee must be more particular in ensuring that winter revenue decline does not ever again lead to the situation we have today.  Money in during the good times needs to stretch to cover the expenses over the lean months too.
1. Safety
One of our club members had a fall the other day and sadly, injured himself.
Our banks are slippery in wet weather and care is required to avoid injury.  Please make sure that your foot wear is appropriate and be cautious when descending banks and hills.  Even in this case where the person concerned was well equiped (as always) an accident can happen.
The member involved was lucky that another club member was around to assist him get out of trouble.  I know that he was thankful for the help rendered by this person.
I wish him all the best in getting fit again and back to the course. 
2. Wet Patches
TK will be roping off the wet patches,which are becoming evident, to restrict cart access.  Please respect the restrictions imposed and stay well clear.
You will have noted that the mowers are now leaving tyre marks on some of the hills and mounds.  Even though we do have placing through the green at the moment, damage to the playing surface made by machinery should be treated as GUR and a free drop taken at the nearest point of relief.
3. Good effort from Bertram Cup Golfers
While the rain was steady on Sunday it was good to see that all matches were played by the end of the day.  The wet conditions were not too unpleasant and the course remained playable (just).  Good effort to all players involved.
This week sees Ryan Du Plessis & Daren Riley vs Allan Taylor & Phil Watts; Kevin Norquay & Garth Mickell vs Ngatau Hemopo & Horn Dim; TK Ross & Matt Roche vs David and William McNaughtan; Keith Chung & Grant Pollard vs Luanne Cockburn & Sarah McNaughtan.
Good luck to all quarter finalists.
Tee times on Sunday have been reserved although matches may be played earlier by arrangement.  I am aware that the Du Plessis/Riley vs Taylor/Watts match has been booked for Saturday.
4. Shootout
There appears to be very little interest in this event so even at this early stage I have decided to cancel it.
Those who have entered and paid their entry fee may obtain a refund (or donate it to the club as I will do).
I'll give some thought before next year as to the reasons why a once very popular event barely raises a pulse.
5. Club Captain's Foursomes
This is a mixed event (woman/man) alternate shot stableford match.  It is a really fun day out for all and both partners end up playing some very interesting shots. 
Four teams have entered at the moment so we will play.
In the meantime it would be great to get some more teams in.  Please email me at ( to enter your team of two.
If you wish to play but don't have a partner please let me know and Denise or I will find you a player.
We will continue this alternate shot mixed event until the end of November where a piece of silverware will be presented.  We have reserved the last Sunday of every month for this so set your calendars now.
6. Futures
Our youngsters got rained out on Sunday but all will be happening again this Sunday.
I'm not sure if Stephen will be there this week but we will let you know on the WhatsApp and/or by further notice.
All the same the youngsters using the club is evident and they add a real spark of life to the clubhouse.  Great to see.
7. Coaching:
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A number of members have benefited from Stephen's coaching and I highly recommend a session with him to sort out any glitches.
You'll be so glad that you did.
That's all for this week.
I will be away for a couple of weeks from next week but I will be in touch regularly for those who need my close and special attention.
Enjoy the golfing week, and let's hope Matariki on Friday is a bonzer of a day.  We could sure use it.
Mark Peck
Club Captain

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